Fire and Koi, Photograph by Drew Christhilf

Fire and Koi, Photograph by Drew Christhilf

As event interns we have a special perspective on the WaterFire installation. We get to see the event come alive; attendees enjoying the fruits of our labor.  Clear Currents was a particularly nerve-wracking  task this past Saturday. There are so many moving parts, so many people, so much to go wrong. But much to our delight, it went off without a hitch. Seeing the paddlers glide along the river was magical. All of the participants were ecstatic about being a part of WaterFire. Many could not wait to do it again. This event was particularly satisfying as we got to see our own personal work from the past few weeks successfully come alive on the water. We are very excited for the next Clear Currents on August 20th!

-Melissa, Kim and Marissa, Special Events Interns

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